Łukasz Horbów
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In memory of those who fear about future
“In memory of all who are afraid of the future” is a white song, a litany about fear, which accompanies all of us. It is about what I am afraid of and about all we fear of. The sculpture placed at the junction of institution, between inside and outside, it “sings” its song directed towards the outside, like building itself resonating its sound onto the outer space.
The architecture itself also marks the fear that it not necessarily connected to the human doing but to the fear about the uncertainty about future in current times. As a young person myself, I now find myself in a time in-between, not knowing if there will be anywhere to live or anything to be afraid of.
The project is complemented by a moving mechanical sculpture axis mundi / maypole tree for luck and prosperity, which with its incessant rotating motion, without beginning nor end, drives the words of the song in a loop.